An eclectic musician of many interests and influences, Kris Maloy writes and teaches music bridging many styles and genres. His work has been performed at venues including Carnegie Hall and the Mission Basilica of San Juan Capistrano, performed by renowned groups including the “President’s Own” United States Marine Band, the Washington Chamber Orchestra, and the Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble, and presented at many national and international events.
His music has been described as “beautifully paced,” and “of great elegance…expansively lyrical” (David LaMarche, New York Concert Review), and his work has received honors, awards, and commissions in music composition from the American Composers Forum, the Music Teachers National Association, the Minnesota Orchestra Composers Institute, the Winter Park Playhouse, the Cleveland Chamber Orchestra, the New York Virtuoso Singers, the Meistersingers, the Bright Music chamber ensemble, the Choral Arts Ensemble, the Musicxx Eighth Blackbird Composition Competition, the Society of Composers, Inc., ASCAP, and two honors for Commissioned Composer of the Year from the National Music Teachers Association state organizations. He has been an artist resident at Banff, Ucross, and other artist colonies in North America.
Kris has written for orchestra, band, jazz orchestra, chorus, and almost every combination of small-ensemble chamber music. As a songwriter, he works with Copperline Music Group/Sprockets Music Publishers and the Nashville Songwriters Association International and is a proud composer member and publisher member of ASCAP.